Sunday 23 May 2010

Good Luck Abg Mi!

A short post for Abang Mi.

This week has been an emotional week back home as our driver for 10 years is leaving for a better job. I still remember the first time he came to interview, masa tu rambut panjang g,pastu malu-malu,masa tu kat bilik tamu (HAHAHA,sunggu rase nok sukke kalu teringat).To call Abg Mi (bukan nama sebenar) as a driver is an understatement. He pick us up from school, tuition, he paid the bills, pegi pasar, hantar nenek pegi hospital, tido kat rumah kalau takde jaga, pendek kata he’s our house manager la. Sampaikan masa H1N1 fiasco last year dengan dia-dia skali kena kuarantin kat rumah. He told me last year that he’s leaving to “kerja kat laut” (until now I don’t know exactly what kerja kat laut tuh). Masa tu dia takut lagi nak bagitau mama, quoted from him “Yelah, 9 tahun doh kerja”. I, well I think I speak for all of us just want to thank him for his service along this 10 years. Though hes a lil bit nyanyuk and tido je 24/7, he was there when we need him, tak kira la Jumaat ke Sabtu ke malam ke siang, raya ke tak, hes always there when he needed (well most of the time la kalau tak kira yang dy lari KL nak dating,hehe) I don’t know how exactly the situation at home now but I imagine agak lintang pukang la, takde Abg Mi sistem rumah tak jalan,hehe. Though you’ve cost us cousins some serious time of scandals and gossips, we still love you! Haha. Dedek pon rindu dah Abg Mi tu, yesterday when I Skyped with her I ask :

Me: Adek, Abg Mi gi mana?

Dedek : Abg mi gi keje la...

Me: Keje kat mana?

Dedek : Keje kat bini dy la..

hehe. apelah dedek ni..(this is a very in joke i think,but Im not going to go that deep,nanti panjang plak cite=p). You will surely be missed at home. Kalau nak tanya kenangan tu banyak sangat la, dari zaman Kak Nita, bawak van buruk kat Penang, zaman "Daud"(HAHA), zaman baloh ngan anakonda,n banyak lagilahh, kalau nk tulis smpi esok pon tak abes lagi. Kalau time cuti sebulan kat darat tu datang lah rumah, bley kita gossip sambil tengok bola! Haisy…world cup neh takdok abg mi nok bet ngan sape la….Nenek pon nanti sape la nak drive g KL...(hehe,saje je nak buat abg mi lagi sedey, abg mi tanya sokmo nenek,mama kata soh nenek lah masuk minang ke abg mi kekg=p). Ok Jus Epal, takleh tulis panjang2 sangat sebab tengah study…Here's some picture that I can find in my laptop (and some curi kat fb mama=p). Good Luck Abg Mi, you're more than a driver to us but I think U already know that =). Ouh and cepat2 sket kawen, "32" thn doh kn=p

"Jus Epal" and "PineApple" at Hong Kong w family=)

sedeyh ngak ye makan atas rumput tepi sampah=p

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